Received my 1st and 2nd Comp Lyfe Vapemail in 2020

It took a long time to get all the parts, but now I’m almost done.
My setups are (more or less) perfect for me… so let’s start some new projects in 2020.

Vape on, vape safe ☠️=🗣💨

Featuring my Comp Lyfe Ano-Ti „HK25 – Galaxy“ * and „Predator“ **


Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an


Ein Beitrag geteilt von Georg Nahde (@paaapi_nahde)

*) „HK25 – Galaxy (18650)“ with:

  • new Rhodium „Battle Cap X“
  • new „Battle Deck #24“ with Silver pin/post and Silver screws
  • new Rhodium saw housing and matching Rhodium „Collectors-Button

**) „Predator Magnum (20700)“ with:

  • new Rhodium XL „V-Groove“ drip tip
  • new Rhodium „low rider“ saw housing and matching Ano-Ti „Collectors-Button

All fired up with fresh Subohm-🐢 Coils and Cotton-🥓 on the deck… ☠️=🗣💨

You can find more photos of my Comp Lyfe Mods >here< or on my private Instagram-Account!