To all the „Comp Lyfe Lovers„…

…today is Valentine’s Day, so let’s rock our McLovin mods.
Vape in love, but vape safe (❤️=🗣💨) an always remember:

„A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.“

Mignon McLaughlin

Featuring my Comp Lyfe Rhodium „McLovin (18650)“ *


Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an


Ein Beitrag geteilt von Georg Nahde (@paaapi_nahde)

*) Following addons:

  • matching Rhodium „Battle Cap“
  • Ano-Ti „XL“ drip tip
  • „Battle Deck #2“ with Silver pin/post and Silver screws
  • Rhodium housing and Rhodium „Collectors-Button
  • full Silver upgrade (pin/spring)

You can find more photos of my Comp Lyfe Mods >here< or on my private Instagram-Account!