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Join-The-Resistance (🏴‍☠️)

Vape-Shooting: Neue Heimat + alte Mech-Mods 2022, Part 1 💥☠️

Italian Double Pack: HStone BANE and Revolutionary Mech Mods R.A.D. mods 🇮🇹

Two Italians joined a hike in the German Ahrtal.
1st Vape-Shooting in my (new) Home-country … just show what you love!

HStone BANE * and Revolutionary Mech Mods R.A.D. **


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Georg Nahde (@paaapi_nahde)

*) HStone Brass „BANE“ 🇮🇹 (18650) with:

  • Immortal Modz 🇺🇸 „VITAL“ Raw-Ti RDA
  • Vince WB „low profile“ (amber/steel) DT
  • full Silver upgrade

**) Revolutionary Mech Mods Copper „R.A.D.“ 🇮🇹 (18650) with:

  • 528 Customs 🇺🇸 „GOON v1.5“ deck
  • „R.A.D.“ Copper cap and Delrin (black) DT
  • full Silver upgrade

Both with fresh PMC/UFC Coils (🇮🇹) and Cotton-🥓 on the deck!

You can find more photos of my Mech Mods on my private Instagram-Account!

Vape-Shooting: Alte Heimat + neue Mech-Mods 2022, Part 3 💥☠️

Old School: HK25 tactical light

1st Vape-Shooting in my (old) Hometown.
Mixed Stainless-Steel/Brass/Raw-Ti Comp Lyfe … just show what you love! 🇺🇸

Featuring my Comp Lyfe Stainless-Steel HK25 *


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Georg Nahde (@paaapi_nahde)

*) Comp Lyfe Stainless-Steel „HK25“ (18650) with:

  • Brass „Battle Cap“ with Raw-Ti „Mini“ tip
  • BattleDeck with Silver pin/post and Raw-Ti screws
  • Brass „bearded“ housing with Raw-Ti „bearded“ button

Fired up with full Silver upgrade (pin/spring), some fresh PMC/UFC Coils (🇮🇹) and Cotton-🥓 on the deck!

You can find more photos of my Comp Lyfe Mods >here< or on my private Instagram-Account!

Vape-Shooting: Alte Heimat + neue Mech-Mods 2022, Part 2 💥☠️

Old School: HK24 tactical light

1st Vape-Shooting in my (old) Hometown.
Mixed Alu/Raw-Ti Comp Lyfe … just show what you love! 🇺🇸

Featuring my Comp Lyfe Aluminium HK24 knurled *


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Georg Nahde (@paaapi_nahde)

*) Comp Lyfe Aluminium „HK24“, knurled (18650) with:

  • Raw-Ti custom „Masterpiece“ Cap by Sebastian R. with Vince „low pro“ DT
  • BattleDeck with Silver pin/post and Raw-Ti screws
  • Alu (smooth) housing with „XL“ Button

Fired up with full Silver upgrade (pin/spring), some fresh PMC/UFC Coils (🇮🇹) and Cotton-🥓 on the deck!

You can find more photos of my Comp Lyfe Mods >here< or on my private Instagram-Account!

Vape-Shooting: Alte Heimat + neue Mech-Mods 2022, Part 1 💥☠️

Double Pack: Takeover (bearded skull) and HK24 Classic, 11-Logos tactical light

1st Vape-Shooting in my (old) Hometown.
Mixed Brass/Rhodium Comp Lyfe … just show what you love! 🇺🇸

Featuring my Comp Lyfe Brass Takeover * and my Brass HK24 Classic **


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Georg Nahde (@paaapi_nahde)

*) Comp Lyfe Brass „Takeover“, bearded skull (18650) with:

  • Rhodium „Battle Cap X“ with Brass „Mini“ tip
  • BattleDeck with Silver pin/post and Ano-Ti (green) screws
  • Brass (smooth) lowrider housing with Rhodium „Collectors“ Button

**) and my Comp Lyfe Brass „HK24 Classic, 11-Logos“ (18650) with:

  • Rhodium „Battle Cap“ with Brass „Mini“ tip
  • BattleDeck with Silver pin/post and Raw-Ti screws
  • Brass (smooth) lowrider housing with special „HK Day 2021 Exclusive“ Button

Both fired up with full Silver upgrades (pin/spring), some fresh PMC/UFC Coils (🇮🇹) and Cotton-🥓 on the deck!

You can find more photos of my Comp Lyfe Mods >here< or on my private Instagram-Account!

The daily driver: Timesvape „Keen“ mech mod 💥☠️

Ein neues „Arbeitstier“ für den Alltag: „Keen“ mech mod 🇨🇳

Der Timesvape Keen Mechanical Mod ist eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen Timesvape und TenaciousTXVapes:

Es handelt sich um einen Tube Mech, der aus Kupfer gefertigt wurde und dessen Schlagfestigkeit im täglichen Gebrauch standhält.
Darüber hinaus verfügt der Keen Mod über einen innovativen schwimmenden Kontaktstift mit Kugelkopf und einen vergoldeten Kontaktstift mit einer flachen, glatten Knopffeder für die perfekte Verbindung.
Außerdem verfügt er über einen Hybrid 510, sodass nur Verdampfer mit einem hervorstehenden 510-Kontakt verwendet werden können. 🤜🤛

„Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.“

Rabindranath Tagore

Featuring my Timesvape Copper „Keen“ (21700) *


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Georg Nahde (@paaapi_nahde)

*) Setup:

  • Comp Lyfe Brass „Magnum Cap“ with Copper „Standard Dot“ tip
  • Comp Lyfe BattleDeck with Silver pin/post and Ano-Ti (purple) screws

Fired up with some PMC/UFC Coils (🇮🇹) on the deck!

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