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Vaping (💨)

Vape-Shooting: Heimat + Mech-Mods 2022, Part 3 🗣️💨

Special Edition: Comp Lyfe „HK24“ tactical light with handmade FMM engravings 🇮🇹+🇺🇸

Little shooting in my (old) Home-country … just show what you love!
Mixed Raw-Ti/Brass mod by Comp Lyfe (🇺🇸) and FMM (🇮🇹) out of the good old times.

Thanks to all involved people who made this possible! 🙏

Comp Lyfe Raw-Ti „HK24“ *


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Georg Nahde (@paaapi_nahde)

*) Comp Lyfe Raw-Ti „HK24“ (18650) with:

  • Brass double-etched „Battle Cap“ with Raw-Ti „Mini“ tip
  • BattleDeck with Silver pin/post and Raw-Ti screws
  • Brass „bearded“ housing with Raw-Ti „bearded“ button
  • full Silver upgrade (pin/spring)

Fresh PMC/UFC Coils (🇮🇹) and Cotton-🥓 on the deck!

You can find more photos of my Comp Lyfe Mods >here< or on my private Instagram-Account!

Vape-Shooting: Heimat + Mech-Mods 2022, Part 2 🗣️💨

US Special: Avid Lyfe „Able XL Edition“ tactical light 🇺🇸

Little shooting in my (old) Home-country … just show what you love!

Avid Lyfe „Able XL Edition“ *


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Georg Nahde (@paaapi_nahde)

*) Avid Lyfe Brass „Able XL Edition“ (18650) with:

  • League of Scoundrels „Genießen“ RDA
  • League of Scoundrels polished Cap

Silver upgrade (spring) by Eric Simpson.
Fresh PMC/UFC Coils (🇮🇹) and Cotton-🥓 on the deck!

You can find more photos of my Mech Mods on my private Instagram-Account!

Vape-Shooting: Heimat + Mech-Mods 2022, Part 1 🗣️💨

Double Pack: Wismec „Noisy Cricket II-25“ ☠️

💥 Someone told me that it’s better to have two… so, here we are! 💥
Still my favourite box-mod: Wismec „Noisy Cricket II-25

“The air up there in the clouds is very pure and fine, bracing and delicious. And why shouldn’t it be?- it is the same the angels breathe.”

Mark Twain

Featuring my two Wismec Noisy Cricket II-25


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Georg Nahde (@paaapi_nahde)

*) Wismec „Noisy Cricket II-25“ (18650) with:

  • 528 Customs „GOON SS-25“ (stainless)
  • Vape Heis „Big Ultron“ (stainless) DT

**) and my Wismec „Noisy Cricket II-25“ (18650) with:

  • QP Design „Kali v2“ (Master-Kit)
  • Vince WB low profile (black/steel), knurled DT

Both with fresh PMC/UFC Coils (🇮🇹) and Cotton-🥓 on the deck!

You can find more photos of my Mech Mods on my private Instagram-Account!

Vape-Shooting: Neue Heimat + alte Mech-Mods 2022, Part 4 💥☠️

US Special: The Drip Company „Selfmade“ tactical light  🇺🇸

Shooting in my (new) Home-country … just show what you love!

Comp Lyfe  Brass Selfmade *


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Georg Nahde (@paaapi_nahde)

*) Comp Lyfe Brass „Selfmade“ (18650) with:

  • Brass „Mini Battle Cap“ and tip, knurled
  • BattleDeck with Silver pin/post and Raw-Ti screws
  • Brass (knurled) housing with Brass „Swamp Vape“ button

Full Silver upgrade (pin/spring) and fresh PMC/UFC Coils (🇮🇹) and Cotton-🥓 on the deck!

You can find more photos of my Comp Lyfe Mods >here< or on my private Instagram-Account!

Vape-Shooting: Neue Heimat + alte Mech-Mods 2022, Part 3 💥☠️

US Double (Ano-Ti) Pack: Comp Lyfe Closer and HK25, knurled tactical light 🇺🇸

Shooting in my (new) Home-country … just show what you love!

Comp Lyfe  Ano-Ti Closer * and Ano-Ti HK25, knurled **


Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an


Ein Beitrag geteilt von Georg Nahde (@paaapi_nahde)

*) Comp Lyfe Ano-Ti „Closer“ (18650) with:

  • Ano-Ti „Battle Cap“, unetched with Copper tip
  • BattleDeck with Silver pin/post and Ano-Ti (blue) screws
  • Copper (saw) housing with Copper „collectors“ button
  • full Silver upgrade (pin/spring)

**) Comp Lyfe Ano-Ti „HK25, knurled“ (18650) with:

  • Ano-Ti „Mini Battle Cap“, Join-the-Resistance
  • Copper „Dot“ tip
  • BattleDeck with Silver pin/post and Ano-Ti (thermal) screws
  • Ano-Ti (knurled) housing with Copper „XL“ button
  • full Silver upgrade (pin/spring)

Both with fresh PMC/UFC Coils (🇮🇹) and Cotton-🥓 on the deck!

You can find more photos of my Comp Lyfe Mods >here< or on my private Instagram-Account!

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