Just show what you love: 11-Logos tactical light 🇺🇸

The 2021 HK Day „Masterpiece“ with 11-Logos in Brass with some Rhodium parts to make it shiny!
Check the very special Button and Cap… now it has 14-Logos. (BTW: 14 is one of my „lucky numbers„) 💛

„I wanted to fall in love with you — a number ten kind of love — and I pretty much convinced myself that I had. But that was stupid, because love doesn’t work that way. You’ve got to be really lucky to get a ten at first sight. but that’s what I wanted with you.“

Suzanne Brockmann

Featuring my Comp Lyfe Brass „HK24 Classic, 11-logos“ (18650) *


Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an


Ein Beitrag geteilt von Georg Nahde (@paaapi_nahde)

*) Setup:

  • Rhodium „Battle Cap X“ with Brass „Mini“ tip
  • Battle Deck with Silver pin/post and Ano-Ti screws
  • Brass (smooth) lowrider housing with special „3D etched Button
  • full Silver upgrade (pin/spring)

Fired up with fresh PMC/UFC (🇮🇹) and Cotton-🥓 on the decks… ☠️=🗣💨

You can find more photos of my Comp Lyfe Mods >here< or on my private Instagram-Account!