Old mods, new design: „Tactical Comp Lyfe“ Double in Ano-Ti

Two new masterpieces from the Godfather of anodising for my collection:
Double-Cross“ in a mixed Ano-Ti/Brass style and my „HK25“ knurled with Ano-Ti from the head to the toe! 🌈

„Since every piece of matter in the Universe is in some way affected by every other piece of matter in the Universe, it is in theory possible to extrapolate the whole of creation — every sun, every planet, their orbits, their composition and their economic and social history from, say, one small piece of fairy cake.“

Douglas Adams

Some new parts of my Comp Lyfe Ano-Ti Collection:


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Georg Nahde (@paaapi_nahde)

Featuring my Comp Lyfe „Double-Cross“ with:

  • Ano-Ti „Battle Cap“ with Ano-Ti „Mini“ tip
  • BattleDeck with Silver pin/post and Ano-Ti (thermal) screws
  • Ano-Ti Housing with Ano-Ti („Join the Resistance„) Comp-Button

and my Comp Lyfe „HK25“ knurled with:

  • Ano-Ti „Mini Cap“ with Ano-Ti „Standard“ V-Groove tip
  • BattleDeck with Silver pin/post and Ano-Ti (thermal) screws
  • Ano-Ti knurled „Standard“ Housing with Ano-Ti „Collectors-Button

All with full Silver upgrades (pin/spring), some fresh PMC/UFC Coils (🇮🇹) and Cotton-🥓 on the deck!


You can find more photos of my Comp Lyfe Mods >here< or on my private Instagram-Account!

…und wer weitere Auftragsarbeiten sehen möchte, der schaut sich einfach den ersten, zweiten und dritten Teil dieses Beitrags an. 😉