Featuring my Setups of the day:
Comp Lyfe „HK25“, Galaxy Edition (Ano-Ti) 18650 +
Comp Lyfe „Battlefield“ (Ano-Ti) 18650
☠️ Comp Lyfe „Battle Deck #2“ with Silver pin/post (Ano-Ti screws)
🧢 Comp Lyfe „Mini Battle Cap“, knurled (Rhodium) + „Battlefield Cap“ (Rhodium)
⭐ Comp Lyfe „Standard Tip“ (Ano-Ti)
🏠 Comp Lyfe „Standard Housing“, knurled (Rhodium) + „Lowrider Housing“,saw (Rhodium)
🔘 Comp Lyfe „Standard Button“,unetched (Ano-Ti)
👑 Comp Lyfe 510pin/spring (Silver)
🔥 Dual „Framed Staple Alien“ coils by UFC/PMC
☁️ Cotton Bacon v2
🔋 Samsung INR18650-20S
Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an
You can find more photos of my Comp Lyfe Mods >here< or on my private Instagram-Account!